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ASP.NET Zero Common Payment System

ASP.NET Zero Common Payment System

ASP.NET Zero's common payment system allows developers to process payments for any service/good either one time or in a recurring way.

24 May 2024

Angular ASP.NET Core

Angular Posts

How to Integrate KendoUI Angular with ASP.NET Zero

In this blog post, we will integrate Kendo UI Angular with ASP.NET Zero. We will create a product crud app and display data with Kendo UI's Angular Grid component.

22 February 2024

Integrating Microsoft Entra ID (Active Directory) with ASP.NET Zero

Adding Microsoft Entra ID to your ASP.NET Zero project is a quick and effective way to ensure a secure authentication process. After the basic App Registration steps in the Microsoft Entra ID (AD), you will take just a few steps to implement OpenID integration in your ASP.NET Zero project.

06 February 2024

HTTP-Only Cookies in ASP.NET Zero Angular UI

HttpOnly cookies are a type of cookie that can only be accessed and manipulated by the server through HTTP requests, not by JavaScript or client-side code. They enhance security by preventing cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks that could steal sensitive information stored in cookies.

31 January 2024

Integrating ELSA with ASP.NET Zero (Angular)

Elsa is a great open source .NET Standard workflows library. Elsa allows creation of workflows by code, by JSON definition or by its workflow designer UI. In this document, we will basically integrate Elsa with ASP.NET Zero and create a simple workflow following official Elsa Dashboard + Server document.

13 June 2023

Converting Create/Edit Modal to Page (Angular)

How to convert AspNet Zero's tenant create & edit modals to regular Angular pages.

02 March 2022

File Upload Tutorial (Angular)

Use file upload in ASP.NET Zero project

02 March 2022

Sign In Without Specifying Tenant (Angular)

How to implement tenant information independent login

02 March 2022

DevExpress Reporting (Angular)

Integrate DevExpress Reporting to ASP.NET Zero (ASP.NET Core version) step by step.

02 March 2022

Using ASP.NET Zero with DevExtreme (Angular)

We will create a sample phonebook application based on ASP.NET Zero (ASP.NET Core & Angular version) step by step

02 March 2022

ASP.NET Zero Awarded As One of the Best 5 Application Development Tools by Get App Logo Learn More
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