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New Release Posts

Introducing ASP.NET Zero v13.2

ASP.NET Zero v13.2: Passwordless login, Power Tools: Custom Menu Position, Upgrade to 2.0.1, Upgrade to ABP 9.2

14 May 2024

Introducing ASP.NET Zero v.13.1

ASP.NET Zero v13.1: Excel Importing, Common Payment System, Column selection for user excel exporting, Using System.Text.Json to replace Newtonsoft, Upgrade to ABP 9.1

28 February 2024

Introducing ASP.NET Zero v.13.0

ASP.NET Zero v13.0: Get ready to explore the latest enhancements in ASP.NET Zero! Multi-Lingual Entity Support, .NET 8, Angular 17, Metronic 8.2.0, GraphQL 7.x, and ABP 9.0 upgrades.

12 December 2023

Introducing ASP.NET Zero v.12.4

ASP.NET Zero v12.4: Enhanced finding user feature, fixing ui bugs, and minor features. Power Tools: Adding typeahead (autocomplete) feature for master detail pages, unlock ASP.NET Zero Power Tools!

19 October 2023

Introducing ASP.NET Zero v12.3

ASP.NET Zero v12.3: Enhanced authentication with OpenIddict, Angular 16 upgrade, Power Tools Oracle DB integration, logo uploads, Elsa workflow synergy, and improved MAUI app support. Empowering exceptional web apps.

10 August 2023

Introducing ASP.NET Zero v.12.2

Introducing ASP.NET Zero's latest release! Xamarin to MAUI migration, bug fixes, and minor features. Power Tools: Revolutionize UI testing with streamlined automation. Effortlessly generate tests in a few clicks. Analyze UI, automate test cases, save time. Embrace efficiency, upgrade workflow, unlock ASP.NET Zero Power Tools!

30 May 2023

ASP.NET Zero Awarded As One of the Best 5 Application Development Tools by Get App Logo Learn More

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