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Integrating Azure Active Directory with ASP.NET Zero

Integrating Azure Active Directory with ASP.NET Zero

Adding Azure Active Directory to your ASP.NET Zero project is a quick and effective way to ensure a secure authentication process. After the basic App Registration steps in the Azure Active Directory (AD), you will take just a few steps to implement OpenID integration in your ASP.NET Zero project.

Azure AD Configuration

After completing the App Registration process in the Azure AD, you can obtain the Client ID information. Additionally, to acquire the Client Secret information, you need to navigate to the 'Certificates & Secrets' section and create a new secret here.

OpenId Connect Login

ASP.NET Zero provides an integrated OpenID Connect Login in addition to social logins. This configuration is modifiable in the appsettings.json file.

Each tenant can also configure OpenID Connect settings for their own account. To enable this feature, set the AllowSocialLoginSettingsPerTenant value to true in the appsettings.json file. For other social login configurations, please refer to Features Mvc Core Social Logins document.

 "OpenId": {
   "IsEnabled": "true",
   "Authority": "",
   "ClientId": "your_application(client)_id",
   "ClientSecret": "your_client_secret_value",
   "ValidateIssuer": "false",
   "ResponseType": "code",
   "ClaimsMapping": [
       "claim": "unique_name",
       "key": ""
  • IsEnabled: Setting the value to true activates OpenID Connect.
  • Authority: Represents the URL of the authorization server used in the OpenID Connect protocol for Azure AD. For detailed information, you can refer to the Microsoft Identity Platform - OpenID Connect documentation.
  • ClientId: The Application (client) ID assigned for the App Registration created in the Azure AD. This value enables the recognition of your application.
  • ClientSecret: It is a secure encryption key obtained from the 'Certificates & Secrets' section in the Azure AD.
  • ValidateIssuer: If the value of this setting is true, it validates the issuer information received from the OpenID Connect client. However, if your application is a multi-tenant application and you want all users to be able to use Azure AD, disable issuer validation. Note that the term multi-tenant app in this context refers to the one you have created on your Azure AD; it is not related to AspNet Zero's multi-tenant feature.
  • ResponseType: Determines the OpenID Connect flow type used for authentication. code typically indicates the usage of the Authorization Code Flow.
  • ClaimsMapping: The claim mapping setting allows you to map any claim retrieved from Azure AD to a local claim. For example, if Azure AD returns a claim named email and you want to use it as email_address, you can use this setting.

After configuring the settings in ASP.NET Zero and Azure AD, when you login as a tenant, the OpenID Connect button will become active.

Login Screen with OpenIdConnect

After clicking the OpenID Connect button and successfully logging in with an account with the configured Azure AD Account, The next screen will get other necessary information from the tenant user.

External Login Callback Screen


  • OpenIdConnectProtocolException: Message contains error: 'invalid_client', error_description: 'AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret provided. Ensure the secret being sent in the request is the client secret value, not the client secret ID,

    • When encountering a similar error, ensure to check the ClientSecret value. It should be noted that the value field of the Client Secret created in the Certificates & Secrets section needs to be obtained.
  • IOException: IDX20807: Unable to retrieve document from: 'Your_Authority'. HttpResponseMessage: 'StatusCode: 400, ReasonPhrase: 'Bad Request', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionResponseContent, Headers:

    • In case of such an error, you may need to check your Authority value. Depending on the Manifest information created in Azure AD and your project, you should correct this part accordingly.
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