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Introducing ASP.NET Zero v.12.4

Introducing ASP.NET Zero v12.4

We're thrilled to introduce ASP.NET Zero v12.4, the latest version of our framework. This release comes with ui improvements, bug fixes, and minor features. We've also added a new feature (typeahead) to our Power Tools that will enhance your development process and improve your productivity.

✨ Enhanced finding user feature

Finding a user is now more user-friendly and easier than ever. We've separated the name, surname, and email fields to simplify the process of locating a user.

Finding User

🎨 UI Improvements

  • Added missing translations for Power Tools
  • Resolved the issue of lengthy username overflow.
  • Position of button icons have been improved
  • Added asterisk to required fields (required class to label)
  • Correctly configure sweetAlert with sweetAlert2 options
  • And more minor improvements...

🔅 Power Tools : Typeahead (Autocomplete) Feature

Power Tools supports master-detail entities, which involve a child-parent relationship and also navigation properties. For these, we have options to choose relations through either a lookup table or a dropdown menu, providing you with greater flexibility. And it is now possible with typeahead (autocomplete) option.


🎆 Upgrade to ASP.NET Boilerplate Framework 8.4

ASP.NET Zero v12.4 is built on top of ASP.NET Boilerplate, which has been upgraded to version 8.4. This means that you can take advantage of the latest features and improvements of ASP.NET Boilerplate Framework.

🙏 Conclusion

With ASP.NET Zero v12.4, we've raised the bar yet again. We hope you enjoy this release and look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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